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Lead Magnet Mastery gives you a great overview of a very underestimated tool to attract leads and build trust with your prospects. Tom’s point of view is unique because he does not limit this strategy to the information & teaching industry but extends it to every industry where building trust and likeability
by adding value is necessary. In short: A must-read for business owners, startups and people who like to think differently! - Nathalie D. (Switzerland)
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Thomas Jordan, Founder of the Expand Yourself Academy and
the author of the #1 Best Seller Lead Magnet Mastery.
He is an expert in lead generation, social media, online marketing, and structuring business models to be successful and grow fast.
His brand new book Lead Magnet Mastery is about the easiest and fastest way to attract new customers, without losing time and money..
"A Must Read!"
"Lead Magnet Mastery gives you a great overview of a very underestimated tool to attract leads and build trust with your prospects. Tom’s point of view is unique because he does not limit this strategy to the information & teaching industry but extends it to every industry where building trust and likeability by adding value is necessary. In short: A must-read for business owners, startups and people who like to think differently!"
- Nathalie D. (Switzerland)
"Delivers insights that boost sales"
"I wish this book had been available while I was building my online business. The wisdom in these pages takes away the guesswork of building a customer base and I felt I had a personal consultant to help me through the process."
- Cindy D. (United States)
"Anybody can benefit from this."
"This book helped me enormously to bring clarity and structure in the process of building my online business. Anybody feeling lost in the jungle of information overload and wanting to save time and money in building and optimizing their online business can benefit from this."
- Silke H. (Spain)